Defender ROM Analysis

In the previous article, we disassembled the sound ROM of the Defender arcade machine. In this article, we will examine how sounds are triggered from the game code, and look into the MC6800 assembly code, specifically focusing on the boot sound routine as an example.
How Sounds are Triggered
In the first Defender article, we looked at the Defender hardware architecture. We mentioned that the main CPU (Motorola MC6809) runs the game code, and that the Defender Sound Board consisted of a Motorola MC6802 and a few other chips, running the audio code.
These two processors run in parallel. So how do they communicate? Well, when the game code running on the MC6809 CPU requests to play a sound on the sound board, it will set a special value determining which sound to play and then send an interrupt to the sound hardware. The interrupt will cause the MC6802 to immediately jump to a specific address in its program code and execute a bit of code that we call the interrupt handler, which will then start playing a new sound.

In detail, the steps of that process are:
- The index of the sound effect is written by the main MC6809 CPU to the 'SOUND SELECT INPUTS' (rightmost in the sound board diagram), and stored by the PIA, a adapter chip that is also accessible from the sound board CPU. The 'SOUND SELECT INPUTS' is mapped to address $0402.
- The main MC6809 CPU then triggers an interrupt in the sound board MC6802.
- The interrupt causes the interrupt handler code to be run on the MC6802. This code reads the 'SOUND SELECT INPUT' value from address $0402 (provided by the PIA).
- The MC6802 jumps to a section of code depending to the 'SOUND SELECT INPUT' value. So the 'SOUND SELECT INPUT' determines which sound algorithm to use.
- From that point on, the MC6802 code will execute a sound algorithm, which will write 8-bit values to another special address $0400. The values written to this address are routed directly to the MC1408 D/A converter by the PIA.
- The MC1408 D/A converter turns this 8-bit value into a current, which directly controls a speaker.
The ROM is mapped to address $F800, and it's 2048 bytes long. So the ROM address space is $F800 - $FFFF.
The last 8 bytes at the end of the sound ROM contains the addresses of the interrupt handlers:
; address interrupt handlers
FFF8 | dc.w $FCB6 ; Interrupt Request (IRQ) = FCB6
FFFA | dc.w $F801 ; Non-Maskable Interrupt (NMI) = F801
FFFC | dc.w $FD2F ; Software Interrupt
FFFE | dc.w $F801 ; Reset handler = F801
So, when a sound is requested from the main MC6809 CPU, we get an interrupt request (IRQ), and the MC6802 CPU of the sound board jumps to $FCB6.
The interrupt handler at $FCB6 looks like this:
lds #$007F ; SP = 7f
ldaa $0402 ; synth algo is in $0402 (PIA)
; C0 : boot sound (1100 0000)
cli ; enable interrupts
... ; Here the handler uses the value from $0402
; and some other state values to select an
; address to jump to. In the case of the boot
; sound, we end up down here at $FD06:
suba #$1C ; a -= 1c (boot sound, a = 2)
jsr $F82A ; play boot sound
Now we have seen a bit of how sounds are selected and triggered using interrupts. Next, we will look at how boot sound is implemented.
Defender Boot Sound
The boot sound is very unique and iconic, and it's not at all obvious how it is generated. All the more so because it consists of only 98 bytes of machine code:

It also accesses data in the ROM from addresse $FD76
and 12 B forward. The 12 B of data are:
40 01 00 10 E1 00 80 FF FF 28 01 00
The disassembled code for the boot sound looks like this:
; Disassembled and annotated by The Nameless Algorithm 2015
ptr = $000F
pw0_init = $0013 ; pw0 initial value
pw1_init = $0014 ; pw1 initial value
pw0_mod = $0015 ; pw0 frequency change
pw1_mod = $0016 ; pw1 frequency change
pw1_end = $0017
step_time = $0018 ; time until next frequency mod
unused = $0019
param0 = $001A
volume = $001B
pw0 = $001C ; time of pulse down
pw1 = $001D ; time of pulse up
; copy_values( int16 *source, int16 *target, int8 count )
; x $000F b
LF82A: ; boot sound, a = 2
tab ; b = a
asla ; a *= 8
asla ; .
asla ; .
aba ; a = b+a (boot sound, a = 12)
ldx #$0013 ; ptr = $0013
stx $000F ;
ldx #$FD76 ; x = $FD76 ; init table
jsr $FD21 ; x : RESULT = phasor( x: VALUE, a: FREQ )
; - After calling phasor, x is either $FD21 or
; $FD22, based on the internal state of phasor.
; - Seemingly uses a data table with an oscillator
; that determines an offset of 0 or 1.
; - Possibly this functions as a way to randomly
; determine initialization data for SYNTH 1 (only
; two different initialization states, though)
ldab #$09 ; b = 9
jmp $FB0A ; copy_values( x: SOURCE, ptr: TARGET, b: COUNT )
; - this initializes the RAM variables used in
; SYNTH 1 from values stored in ROM
; - Why is this a jmp and not a jsr? PC is
; not stored on SP, so how does copy_values
; know where to return to?
; - The values are initialized to:
; pw0_init = $40
; pw1_init = $01
; pw0_mod = $00
; pw1_mod = $10
; pw1_end = $E1
; step_time = $00
; unused = $80
; param0 = $FF
; volume = $FF
ldaa $001B ; DAC = volume (always $FF)
staa $0400 ; .
LF844: ; do
ldaa $0013 ; pw0 = pw0_init
staa $001C ; .
ldaa $0014 ; pw1 = pw1_init
staa $001D ; .
LF84C: ; do
ldx $0018 ; x = step_time * output pulse until
LF84E: ; do x = 0
ldaa $001C ; a = pw0
com $0400 ; DAC invert * invert DAC
LF853: ; do * pw0 busywait
dex ; x -= 1 .
beq LF866 ; if x = 0, goto skip .
deca ; a -= 1 .
bne LF853 ; while a != 0 .
com $0400 ; DAC invert * invert DAC
ldaa $001D ; a = pw1
LF85E: ; do * pw1 busywait
dex ; x -= 1 .
beq LF866 ; if x = 0, goto skip .
deca ; a -= 1 .
bne LF85E ; while a != 0 .
bra LF84E ; while true * loops forever
LF866: ; skip:
ldaa $0400 ; a = DAC * a = DAC, invert a
bmi LF86C ; if a < 0, goto noinv . if $FF ($FF is
coma ; invert a .considered negative)
LF86C: ; noinv: .
adda #$00 ; .
staa $0400 ; DAC = a .
ldaa $001C ; pw0 += pw0_mod * increase pulse
adda $0015 ; . . width starting
staa $001C ; . . values (shorter
ldaa $001D ; pw1 += pw1_mod . widths = higher
adda $0016 ; . . frequency)
staa $001D ; . .
cmpa $0017 ; while pw1 != pw1_end * stop at specified
bne LF84C ; . frequency
ldaa $001A ; if param0 = 0, goto done ???
beq LF88B ; .
adda $0013 ; pw0_init += param0 ???
staa $0013 ; .
bne LF844 ; while pw0_init != 0
LF88B: ; done:
; copy_values( int16 *source, int16 *target, int8 count )
; x $000F b
; Copies memory block of 'count' bytes from 'source' to 'target' in
; memory.
ptr = $000D
target = $000F
psha ; push a to stack
LFB0B: ; do
ldaa $00,x ; a = (*x)
stx $000D ; ptr = x
ldx $000F ; (*target++) = a
staa $00,x ; .
inx ; .
stx $000F ; .
ldx $000D ; x = ptr + 1
inx ; .
decb ; while(--count > 0)
bne LFB0B ; .
pula ; pull a from stack
; result = phasor( int value, int8 freq )
; x x a
; Updates a phase value with the specified frequency and
; increments value when phase rolls over
; static local var
phase = $000E ; only used in this function in the entire ROM
; local var
tmp = $000D
stx $000D ; tmp = value
adda $000E ; phase += a
staa $000E ; .
bcc LFD2C ; if phase rolls over, value += 1
inc $000D ; tmp ++
LFD2C: ; done:
ldx $000D ; result = tmp
It looks bigger in assembly code, doesn't it?
So what does this code output? The only values it outputs to the DAC ($0400) are the extreme 8-bit values, $FF and its complement, $00. If we alternate between $FF and $00, we get a square wave with a maximum DC offset, which is probably removed with analog circuitry after the DAC. However, the interesting part is in how the time between the two values is modified every cycle.
Or to use synthesis terms, the square wave pulse-width is constantly modulated.

The waveform isn't much to look at, but when viewed in the spectral domain, we see the complexity that is generated from this simple DSP code:

Let's remind ourselves that this is generated from 98 bytes of machine code. This is just one synth algorithm, and indeed, at least 10 different algorithms can be identified in the disassembled ROM.
Here is an overview over the 10 different sound algorithms and their locations in ROM:

Motorola 6800:
- vasm portable and retargetable assembler
- Motorola M6800 Programming Reference Manual
- Peter Clare's DASMx (mirrored here)
Before I found DASMx, I tried using Sean Riddle's 6800dasm (mirrored here), but the output of DASMx was easier to convert to code compatible with vasm.